
See what we’re up to…

The Journey of Sewage

So what’s happening?

Raw sewage is travelling from a home, through to a sewage treatment plant where it filters into water that is clean enough to be put into a river.


Who Owns England's Water?

So what is being shown?

This map displays the regional water companies and the key players that hold shares or investments in water companies operating in England.


According to Weownit, at least 70% is owned by foreign shareholders. Understanding who invests in our water helps ensure transparency and accountability in areas such as performance, sustainability, regulations, infrastructure and ultimately the delivery of safe and reliable water.


Who Leaked the Most Between 2021 and 2022?

So what’s happening?

Between 2021-2022, an astounding 2,923.9 megalitres (megalitres = 1 million litres) of water was lost daily amongst the respective water companies mentioned, with Thames Water leaking the most, as revealed by Ofwat’s data. 

These leaks stem from ageing infrastructure, ground shifts, high pressure, and poor maintenance, straining our resources and environment.

Why does it matter? Repairing leaks isn’t just a fix; it’s an environmental lifeline. It preserves our precious water, reduces costs, prevents environmental damage and secures clean water for everyone.

  • Learn more about water companies here on our dedicated page. 
  • Learn more about why leaks occur here.

The UK River Network

The map below displays all the open rivers within the UK, as well as each river basin district.